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All contents of the www.ansa.it website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") such as news, photos, videos, data, sounds, trademarks, logos, domain names, application software, graphic layouts, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "ANSA Content") and rights related to them are reserved, since they are part of Intellectual Property, to the Agenzia ANSA Cooperative Company (hereinafter referred to as ANSA) or its affiliates.

Users have the option of visiting the Site solely for purposes of consultation and personal information; any other use is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of ANSA. It is prohibited to use, directly or indirectly, the ANSA Content for any purpose relating to the development and training of any machine learning (“ML”) and artificial intelligence (“AI”) activities and technologies.

It is prohibited any access to or use (such as but not limited to reproduction, aggregation and archiving) of the Website and/or of the ANSA Content, for any systematic or automated activities related to text and/or data scraping, mining, extraction, aggregation, analysis, exploration or harvesting, through any “robot”, “bot”, “spider”, “scraper”, or any other automated device, program, technique, tool, process or method, carried out in order to create, develop, train, test, evaluate, modify, and/or support software, algorithms and machine learning/artificial intelligence models or for any other purpose.

Quoting, understood as links from sites external to the Website home page, deep linking understood as links to a page within the Website, framing understood as reproduction of contents, even partial, of the Website on third party websites are prohibited and may be permitted to potential interested parties only with prior written agreement with ANSA.

Therefore, Website contents may not be copied, reproduced, transferred, filed, published or distributed, in full or partially, without prior written consent from ANSA; only downloading and printing of the single extracts of information contents may be allowed for personal use.

The user interested in using the contents of the Website for editorial use or for publication on other telecommunication or paper headlines, or to access ANSA news information or, more in general, to take advantage of the commercial products offered by the same must agree to ANSA's terms and conditions of use in writing in advance.

For this purpose, the user can contact the Sales Department at the following address:
Commercial Division
Via della Dataria, 94
00187 Rome
Telephone No. 06/ 67741
[email protected]



ANSA strives to protect the interests, intellectual property and services provided by its collaborators and partners. If you have been contacted by PicRights on behalf of ANSA, please resolve the matter via the PicRights Resolution Portal using the reference number provided, or contact your ANSA account manager.




The ANSA official website, www.ansa.it, (hereinafter referred to as "Website") is an on-line news reporting portal that provides information on major issues of the day from Italy and the World; the Website also provides an overview of the main ANSA activities, information products offered by the same and the relative methods of use.

All Website contents (news, photos, videos, sounds, brands, logos, domain names, application software, layout graphics, etc.) and rights related to these are reserved; therefore, they may only be consulted for personal information purposes since any other use is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of ANSA.

The information contained on the Website are provided based on the belief, in good faith, of their accuracy and veracity, as well as respecting the journalism professional ethic principles in force. However, while placing the utmost care in maintaining its Website and considering its contents reliable, ANSA disclaims any and all liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from errors or inaccuracies of content, or lack of current information, especially where the information is used by the client to make decisions concerning initiatives or activities of an economic or financial nature. Given the free access to the Website and the purely informative purpose of the information contained therein, this does not, in any way, give any type of rights to the users; therefore, ANSA reserves the right to apply changes and variations as well as to amend of delete parts of the Website, products, services or activities described therein.

Access to and consultation of the Website assume that the system used by the client is fully compatible with the technology used by ANSA and that connection does not result in any malfunctioning of the computer structures used. In no way may ANSA be held responsible for any damage to computer systems resulting from the connection to the Website, or from connection links to other websites, even in the presence of computer viruses or other causes attributable to or related to the use of the Internet.

The Website contains links to third-party websites. The existence of such links does not imply that ANSA sponsors or is affiliated with the owners of the linked sites. Therefore, ANSA disclaims any liability with regard to the link and the content of the sites linked to the Website and informs users that whoever decides to visit a linked site do so in autonomy, and by assuming the responsibility of adopting the all precautions against viruses or other destructive elements.



ANSA's corrections policy

The Agenzia ANSA has always been committed to providing impartial, accurate and verified information and all production is carried out with the utmost care and precision.

However, it is possible that the news published may contain inaccuracies, imprecisions or errors and, for this reason, ANSA is available to carry out the appropriate checks based on the reports received and, where necessary, publish the correction in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Italian (art. 8 - Law 8 February 1948, n. 47, so-called “Press Law”).

The corrections policy adopted by ANSA is as follows:

  • Commitment to precision

    ANSA is committed to providing accurate, precise and up-to-date information. If errors and/or inaccuracies are discovered in our publications, we undertake to correct them promptly.

  • Error reporting

    Readers can report any inaccuracies, inaccuracies or errors in our articles. Reports can be sent via email [email protected]

  • Review process

    Once an inaccuracy, imprecision or error has been reported, the editorial team verifies the information received and establishes a correction, if necessary. This process includes reviewing the original sources and, if necessary, acquiring additional information.

  • Publication of corrections

    The corrections, where deemed relevant, must refer to the writing that determined them and must be published as established by current legislation.

  • Continuous improvement

    We use error reports to continually improve the quality of our publications.