The European Commission is referring
Italy to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to end an
abuse of short-term contracts for teachers as well as over
discriminatory work conditions.
Italy, according to the Commission, has not adopted the
necessary measures to put an end to a "discrimination" regarding
the working conditions of teachers with temporary contracts and
the "abuse" of short-term contracts.
The issue concerns legislation on the wage of teachers with
short-term contracts in public schools for whom there is "no
salary progression" based on previous periods of service, which
is a "discrimination compared to teachers hired with open-ended
contracts", it said.
The fact that there is no progress on the salaries of temporary
teachers based on their previous service "constitutes a
discrimination", explained the EU executive.
Moreover, contrary to European legislation, Italy has not
adopted effective measures to prevent the abuse of temporary
contracts for administrative, technical and auxiliary personnel
in public schools, in violation of EU laws on temporary
employment, it said.
The European Commissionexplained that it considered the efforts
of authorities on this issue as "insufficient" and would thus
refer Italy to the Court of Justice of the European Union.