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Man gets 30-yrs instead of life term for double femicide

Man gets 30-yrs instead of life term for double femicide

Over 'understandably human motive' for homicide wife-daughter

ROME, 13 January 2025, 11:11

ANSA English Desk



A 70-year-old man, Salvatore Montefusco, has been sentenced by a court of assizes in Modena to 30 years in prison instead of life for the double murder of his wife and her daughter over the "understandably human motives that drove him to commit the crime", according to the motivation of a sentence which has been viewed by ANSA.
    The motivation of the court of assizes, which includes a jury as well as two judges, in choosing a 30-year term for the double femicide on June 13 2022 rather than the life term requested by prosecutors was that Montefusco "did not have a police record at 70 and would never have committed a crime of such gravity had he not been driven by the dire family dynamic that had developed over time". Montefusco shot his wife Gabriela Trandafir, 47, and her 22-year-old daughter Renata dead with a machine gun in the central town of Cavazzona di Castelfranco Emilia.
    The court recognized the extenuating circumstances, ruling out, among others, premeditation and cruelty.


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