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Expo 2025 Osaka construction work on schedule - Vattani

Expo 2025 Osaka construction work on schedule - Vattani

'Great attention from Japanese and international media'

HIMEJI, 16 January 2025, 19:01

ANSA English Desk



Ambassador Mario Vattani, the Commissioner General for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka, said construction work ahead of the Universal Exhibition in Japan is on schedule, talking about progress at the Italy Pavilion and the country's participation in the event three months before its inauguration.
    "These are very important occasions, because it is the time when it is really possible to also understand Expo's logistics", noted Vattani.
    "Our work is fon schedule: we have finished the structure of the pavilion, a large wooden building designed by Mario Cucinella, and we are now proceeding to build the Visitor Experience, or the exhibition path that will be Italy's representation at Expo.
    "Naturally, we cannot abstain from giving the public what it expects from Italy, or the culture of artworks, also because Expo's theme is 'Art regenerates life'", he added.
    "There is great attention on the part of the Japanese media.
    "Just think that today a press conference was entirely dedicated to Italy.
    There was "a lot of participation on the part of the Japanese press, the media - of television as well as the international press, that, naturally, on such occasions, comes to seize something new from Expo's preparations: during this press conference, we could speak more in detail about what will be in our pavilion, naturally the Farnese Atlas, known to everybody as a jewel.
    "And it was chosen, among other things, by the New York Times as 'one of the ten things to see at Expo for the greater public'.
    "But there was also a way to talk about, for example, this extremely beautiful oeuvre by Tintoretto that is the portrait of a Japanese together with the other three members of the Tenshō mission that visited Italy in 1583".
    "Expos are important appointments and the public we expect is also a very young public: this gives us hope for the future.
    "And, at the end of the day, Expo's message is also a message of hope", stressed Vattani.


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