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Ambassador Favi, 'this is a crucial moment for European chemistry'

Ambassador Favi, 'this is a crucial moment for European chemistry'

At the Italian residence in Brussels the event with Federchimica

BRUXELLES, 15 January 2025, 19:24

ANSA English Desk


"The chemical industry is fundamental to concretely addressing the ecological and digital transition: its role must be recognised and enhanced in the EU's economic and environmental policies. We are the beating heart of industrial innovation and at the centre of many innovations that are driving the transition to clean and renewable energy sources. Without a strong chemical industry, many downstream sectors - from construction to automotive, from agribusiness to textiles - could not evolve towards more sustainable and competitive models." This was the message expressed by Francesco Buzzella, President of Federchimica, at the event hosted at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in Belgium, Federica Favi, in the presence of numerous Italian MEPs. The meeting was an important opportunity for discussion to present the Italian chemical sector and to examine in depth the ways in which the challenges of sustainable transition and the competitiveness of the entire supply chain can be tackled in the coming years. Speakers at the event included the Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union Stefano Verrecchia and the Vice President of the European Parliament Antonella Sberna.
    "It is with an eye to the future of the Italian (and European) chemical industry and the strategic role of our country that we wanted to organise this event together, at a crucial time," Favi stressed, opening the evening. "We face a perfect storm, where high energy costs, weak demand and international competition create an unprecedented challenge. The numbers describe an extremely delicate phase, showing a reduction in the European market share from 27% to 14% over the last twenty years. "Italy, Europe's third-largest chemical producer, with 2,800 companies and 112,200 employees, is called upon to contribute to the revival of the sector," added the Ambassador, who emphasised the opportunity to further intensify bilateral cooperation, "promoting a structured dialogue between the Italian and Belgian chemical poles.


Not to be missed


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