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Success at Unesco Paris for Milani's 'A World Apart'

Success at Unesco Paris for Milani's 'A World Apart'

Stellino, film enhances role of education for future peace and harmony

PARIGI, 16 January 2025, 13:04

ANSA English Desk



Great appreciation at the Unesco headquarters in Paris for 'Un mondo a parte', the film by Riccardo Milani starring Antonio Albanese and Virginia Raffaele screened on 15 January in front of delegates from the over 190 member states of the Unesco Science, Education and Culture Organisation, in the presence of director Riccardo Milani. Organised by the Italian Representation to Unesco,the evening along the banks of the Seine was promoted together with Paolo Modugno, responsible for the 'Cinema' division of the Parisian Festival Italissimo. The film, which was received last year in Italian cinemas with great success, witnessed by more than one million viewers, tells the story of a teacher who moves from Rome to a small village in the Abruzzo region to save a school at risk of closure due to the depopulation of the town and the consequent drop in enrolment. By placing the crucial role of education at the centre of the story, the film offers significant food for thought on the difficulties of rural communities and the need to overcome ideological and cultural barriers.
    The large Parisian audience, made up of delegates from Unesco's 194 member states as well as numerous film enthusiasts, particularly enjoyed watching a film that honours the social function of teachers, in line with Unesco's main global strategies on the subject. The screening was preceded by a conversation between the director and Stefania Giannini, Unesco's Deputy Director General for Education, who highlighted the role of education as a pillar of social cohesion. Ambassador Liborio Stellino, Italy's Permanent Representative to Unesco, pointed out that "while using an ironic register, the film has the merit of highlighting the fundamental role of basic education for the resilience of our communities and the construction of a future of peace and harmony, in full harmony with the values promoted by Unesco".


Not to be missed


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