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The 'CAPOLAVORI' exhibition in Haifa

The 'CAPOLAVORI' exhibition in Haifa

By the Italian Cultural Institute

ROMA, 17 January 2025, 17:42

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Cultural Institute in Haifa and the Mishkan Museum of Art Ein Harod offer the exhibition 'CAPOLAVORI', an event that has taken shape in a period of cultural isolation and reclusion. First because of the Covid lockdowns, then in the shadow of judicial reform and, in recent months, in the wake of the ongoing war. It presents around 300 works by 46 artists from different generations of the local art scene, evoking masterpieces of Western art history. Sometimes this re-creation takes the form of a copy, sometimes it involves a change in artistic style or a switch from one medium to another, and always it takes place in a new context, in a different artistic, social or political reality, and in the specific circumstances of a distinct time and place. The shared common thread is the recreation of the entire composition of the original artwork: not mere homage, inspiration, quotation, synthesis or correspondence, but re-enactment.
    The title of the exhibition, 'CAPOLAVORI', alludes to the irony inherent in the absence of classical masterpieces and old masters from the exhibition. At the same time, it also alludes to the fact that all the works in it are important original works of art created by leading artists from the local art scene, thus emphasising their richness and depth.


Not to be missed


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