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Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström awarded the Virchow Prize 2024


Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström awarded the Virchow Prize 2024


Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

15 luglio 2024, 10:45

news aktuell



PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

Prize under High Patronage of the President of the German Bundestag endowed with 500,000 € for significant contributions towards safeguarding human and planetary health

Berlin, July 15, 2024 –The Virchow Prize 2024 will be bestowed upon Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström for their holistic and systems-based approach to safeguarding human and planetary health.  

Both laureates share a common focus on human well-being and sustainability, recognising that health systems are connected to, influence and depend on environmental and social systems. Gilson and Rockström are collectively advancing a more resilient, healthier, safe and just world, upholding the Virchow Prize’s values of human rights, solidarity, and equity in context of attaining the United Nations 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. 

Lucy Gilson heads the Health Policy and Systems Division at Cape Town University, South Africa, and serves as Professor of Health Policy and Systems at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Gilson’s research drives transformative change towards more sustainable, resilient and just governance, whilst advocating for people-centred health system and translating strategy into tangible improvements on the ground through innovative and consistent approaches. She has fostered substantial progress towards universal health coverage and equitable access to quality healthcare. 

Johan Rockström leads the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany, holds a professorship at Stockholm University, Sweden, and serves as Chief Scientist of Conservation International, United States. Rockström’s pioneering work revolves around the planetary boundaries framework, which defines the safe operating space for humanity to thrive sustainably and responsibly for future generations. This concept addresses critical processes such as climate change, biodiversity loss, freshwater use, and nutrient cycles, highlighting its direct relevance to health.  

Gilson’s and Rockström’s advocacy for a holistic and systemic approach to health has influenced global policy and provides a science-based framework for tackling diverse health challenges globally. Both demonstrate that significant progress can be achieved through interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral research towards the common goal “Health for All”. 

Established by the non-profit Virchow Foundation, the Virchow Prize is awarded annually. The 2024 Award Ceremony under high patronage of German Bundestag President, Bärbel Bas, will be held on October 12 at Berlin City Hall. More information: virchowprize.org

For media representatives 
Virchow Prize 2024 Award Ceremony accreditation for media representatives is open until October 10, 2024: virchowprize.org/communications-kit/  

Steffi Gasteiger (she/her) 
Communication & Partnerships Manager 
Virchow Foundation 
[email protected] 
T: +49 152 28251093


PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

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