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Marc Cain expands its webshop to eight new countries


Marc Cain expands its webshop to eight new countries


Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

16 luglio 2024, 13:21

news aktuell



PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

The premium fashion company Marc Cain is expanding its webshop to include eight new countries.
Customers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Croatia, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria can now also purchase the exclusive collections online.

The decision to open up the new markets is based on comprehensive analyses of organic traffic and the search volume for Marc Cain. The analyses showed that the interest and demand in these countries is the highest from the markets not yet served. In addition, direct feedback from end customers was crucial: there was an increasing desire to be able to buy Marc Cain online.

"The expansion of our online availability is an important milestone in our global growth strategy. We are delighted that we can inspire our customers in these new markets with our exclusive collections and are looking forward to the upcoming developments in the USA and Asia," explains Helmut Schlotterer, CEO and founder of Marc Cain. 

With the expansion, Marc Cain now serves a total of 27 webshop markets in Europe and one in Canada. The next strategic step for the company is to open a webshop in the USA, followed by further market expansions within Europe. Marc Cain is also planning to expand its presence to the Asian market in 2025. 


Marc Cain GmbH
Marc-Cain-Allee 4
72411 Bodelshausen

Fon +49.7471.709 - 0
E-Mail [email protected]

PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

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