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Taicang Day celebrates deepening China-Germany cooperation


Taicang Day celebrates deepening China-Germany cooperation


Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

30 settembre 2024, 10:03

news aktuell



PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

Hamburg, Germany - The Taicang Day event was held Thursday in the northern German city of Hamburg, with participants highlighting the broad prospects for continued win-win cooperation between China and Germany.

Neighboring Shanghai, the city of Taicang, spanning approximately 800 square kilometers, is known as the "hometown of German enterprises" in China, with over 530 German enterprises flocking here.

Nearly 200 representatives attended the Taicang Day event, including those from Chinese and German business sectors, leaders of German companies and project stakeholders.

Zhai Qian, minister of economic and commercial affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Germany, noted that the Taicang story perfectly exemplifies the win-win nature of China-Germany economic and trade cooperation.

"As China accelerates the development of new quality productive forces, there is significant potential for expanding China-Germany cooperation in emerging fields such as scientific and technological innovation, green and low-carbon development, clean energy, the circular economy, and the digital economy," he said.

"German companies have found strong partners in Taicang, partners who bring both expertise and openness to new ideas," said Michael Schumann, chairman of the Board of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade.

"Whether in industrial manufacturing, the automotive sector, environmental technology, or renewable energy, the potential for mutual benefit is immense. This cooperation not only fosters job creation and economic growth in both countries but also drives technological advancements and innovations that are crucial in addressing the global challenges of our time," he said.

Kersten Janik, president of VAST LLC, told Xinhua, "We are in Taicang because we believe it offers the best opportunities for us to tap into the Chinese auto market."
"I first worked in China in 1990, and since then, I've witnessed the tremendous development in the country's industry and society. I deeply appreciate this progress, and I believe China is a perfect partner for Germany," he said.

Pingping Feng
+86 2583109665

PressRelease - Responsabilità editoriale di news aktuell

Tutti i Press Release di English


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