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In evidenza
In evidenza
The Ambassador of Italy to
Serbia, Luca Gori, met today with the Minister for European
Integration, Tanja Miščević. The talks allowed to express mutual
satisfaction with the reactivation of the "Antonione Protocol"
and to take stock of the status of Serbia's accession
negotiations with the European Union. In relation to the
"Antonion Protocol," Ambassador Gori took positive note of the
forthcoming publication of new tenders in order to restart joint
projects in the five areas under the cooperation program:
energy, education, agriculture, environment and health.
Ambassador Gori discussed with Minister Miščević the status of
reforms needed by Belgrade to progress towards the goal of EU
membership and stressed the importance of making significant
progress especially in the field of rule of law and alignment
with the Common Foreign and Security Policy. He also discussed
Minister Miščević's possible visit to Rome in view of the EU
Commission's publication of the "Enlargement Package" in October
and the December European Council.
The Ambassador reiterated "Italy's strong support for
Serbia's entry into the European Union and the importance of
working for an acceleration of the Enlargement process to the
Western Balkans, especially in the new geopolitical context
dictated by the conflict in Ukraine".
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