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Trentini is detained, consular visit requested says Tajani

Trentini is detained, consular visit requested says Tajani

'We ask for discretion'

ROME, 16 January 2025, 13:40

ANSA English Desk



Italian NGO worker Alberto Trentini is detained in Venezuela and Italy has requested a consular visit for him, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Thursday, a day after summoning Venezuela's chargé d'affaires to protest against the lack of information regarding the mid-November detention of the aid official.
    "Italy is working since the arrest" in Venezuela of Trentini, "and there are other Italian-Venezuelans in the country's jails", said Tajani, adding he believes there are currently eight.
    During the meeting held on Wednesday with Venezuela's chargé d'affaires, "we reiterated the request to release our compatriot and all other political prisoners.
    "We were confirmed that he is detained, we have requested that he is treated according to the rules and we have asked for a consular visit.
    "We are working in every way to solve this situation", said the foreign minister.
    Tajani also asked for "discretion and moderation" in Trentini's case, as he said was previously requested for blogger Alessia Piperno and journalist Cecilia Sala when they were detained in Iran ahead of their release.
    The aid worker's family said they have not heard from Trentini since his arrest at a roadblock while he was travelling to Guasdalito from Caracas on November 15.
    The young man, who is from Venice and reportedly has a health condition, had travelled to Venezuela on October 17 as part of a mission of international NGO Humanity and Inclusion.
    The family said informal reports suggest Trentini was transferred to Caracas a few days after his arrest and is currently detained there, allegedly without having been charged.


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