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Amb. Trichilo, 2024 full of high-level meetings in Croatia

Amb. Trichilo, 2024 full of high-level meetings in Croatia

Embassy in Zagreb publishes newsletter 3

ROMA, 16 January 2025, 17:25

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Embassy in Zagreb has published the third issue of the Newsletter, in which activities in the sphere of relations between Italy and Croatia in the period October-December 2024 are collected.
    In his letter of presentation, Ambassador Paolo Trichilo emphasises that 'the last quarter of the year that has just ended was full of important high-level meetings that contributed to giving further impetus to the already excellent bilateral relations, such as the participation of Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi at the Trilateral Meeting of Interior Ministers of Italy, Croatia and Slovenia (Zaprešić, 14 October 2024), the fruitful meeting between the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, and the Croatian Minister of Economy, Ante Šušnjar in Rome (5 November 2024), and the speech of the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gordan Grlić-Radman, at the Med Dialogues (Rome, 25-27 November 2024)".
    "We have also continued to promote with numerous initiatives - the Ambassador continues - the excellence of our country in all its dimensions (economic, cultural, scientific), in collaboration with the various expressions of the "Italian System" in Croatia - Consulate General in Rijeka, Institute of Culture, Ice, Italian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce - and with the valuable support of the Italian Union and the Italian National Community, which continue to exercise - Trichilo concludes - a key role in the promotion of the culture and language of our country and to represent an added value to the bond of friendship between Italy and Croatia".


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