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Crime, Italian and Albanian police meet in Tirana

Crime, Italian and Albanian police meet in Tirana

Exchange of experiences on combating money laundering with cryptocurrencies

ROMA, 17 January 2025, 18:33

ANSA English Desk



With the cooperation of the OSCE Presence in Albania, a meeting was held at the Embassy of Italy, organised by the Guardia di Finanza Expert for Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, Lt-Col. Giampiero Carrieri, and the Security Expert of the International Police Cooperation Service, First Officer Salvatore Gava, aimed at exchanging best practices and experiences on financial investigations related to money laundering through cryptocurrencies, between Italian and Albanian law enforcement agencies.
    The meeting brought together prosecutors and investigators from the Special Structure against Corruption and Organised Crime (SPAK), together with officials from the Albanian State Police and the Albanian Financial Intelligence Agency, who took part in in-depth discussions to share knowledge and improve their investigative strategies.
    A group of Italian experts, including members of the Special Unit on Privacy and Technological Fraud of the Guardia di Finanza led by the Commander, General Antonio Mancazzo, as well as representatives of the Italian State Police's Postal Police Service, the International Cooperation Office and the Carabinieri's Anti-Counterfeiting Unit, were able to discuss methods and techniques for investigating complex financial crimes related to digital currencies, providing Albanian law enforcement agencies with crucial operational knowledge.
    This initiative emphasises the importance of continuous professional development and international cooperation in enhancing law enforcement's ability to address the challenges posed by modern financial crimes, such as cryptocurrency-related money laundering.


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