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Opposition leaders say Santanchè must go after indictment

Opposition leaders say Santanchè must go after indictment

Meloni can no longer pretend nothing happening - PD's Schlein

ROME, 17 January 2025, 14:53

ANSA English Desk



(see related) The leaders of the two biggest opposition parties, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and the populist 5-Star Movement (M5S), said that Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè must go after she was indicted on Friday for alleged false accounting by her former company.
    "Daniela Santanchè has been sent to trial. Just a week ago (Premier) Giorgia Meloni said she wanted to wait for the judiciary to make a decision: now it has arrived," said PD leader Elly Schlein.
    "She called for resignations for much less when she was in opposition. What will she do now? "Has she changed her mind about this too? "A Prime Minister cannot use double standards, especially with friends whom she wanted in government and for whom she is now politically responsible.
    "The trial will take its course to ascertain if she is guilty, but when the accusations are so serious, whoever holds the highest institutional office must step down.
    "Daniela Santanchè must resign. And Giorgia Meloni must demand her resignation".
    M5S leader and ex-premier Giuseppe Conte echoed those sentiments.
    "We again demand the immediate resignation of the minister, without wanting to anticipate the outcome of the criminal trials," Conte said, "It is absolutely indecorous for the government institutions for the minister to remain where she is.
    "Meloni, who in the past asked for the resignation of ministers for much less, what are you doing today, will you continue to fake indifference? "Do you not feel a twinge of dignity to protect the image and honor of the institutions?".


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